Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 04:10 CEST

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[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 47388
Total Files 42643
Total Pages 34269
Total Visits 4414
Total KBytes 1136409
Total Unique Sites 2366
Total Unique URLs 326
Total Unique Referrers 378
Total Unique User Agents 887
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 63 415
Hits per Day 1528 2915
Files per Day 1375 2832
Pages per Day 1105 2298
Sites per Day 76 200
Visits per Day 142 453
KBytes per Day 36658 153811
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 89.99% 42643
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.05% 25
Code 302 - Found 1.55% 736
Code 304 - Not Modified 4.81% 2277
Code 404 - Not Found 3.60% 1707

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2915 6.15% 2772 6.50% 2298 6.71% 125 2.83% 126 5.33% 153811 13.53%
2 1559 3.29% 1491 3.50% 1066 3.11% 127 2.88% 118 4.99% 59046 5.20%
3 1613 3.40% 1569 3.68% 1153 3.36% 220 4.98% 119 5.03% 49513 4.36%
4 1510 3.19% 1450 3.40% 1149 3.35% 453 10.26% 135 5.71% 75038 6.60%
5 1627 3.43% 1545 3.62% 1383 4.04% 118 2.67% 128 5.41% 13336 1.17%
6 1305 2.75% 1240 2.91% 811 2.37% 96 2.17% 81 3.42% 22728 2.00%
7 2029 4.28% 1949 4.57% 1498 4.37% 82 1.86% 104 4.40% 17210 1.51%
8 1526 3.22% 1480 3.47% 1003 2.93% 74 1.68% 77 3.25% 41378 3.64%
9 1774 3.74% 1694 3.97% 1477 4.31% 75 1.70% 82 3.47% 14236 1.25%
10 2694 5.68% 2599 6.09% 2048 5.98% 124 2.81% 133 5.62% 26058 2.29%
11 2878 6.07% 2832 6.64% 2273 6.63% 91 2.06% 99 4.18% 37593 3.31%
12 1087 2.29% 872 2.04% 955 2.79% 103 2.33% 102 4.31% 13630 1.20%
13 1622 3.42% 1381 3.24% 987 2.88% 113 2.56% 106 4.48% 25630 2.26%
14 1328 2.80% 1091 2.56% 733 2.14% 121 2.74% 173 7.31% 26766 2.36%
15 1170 2.47% 896 2.10% 788 2.30% 142 3.22% 141 5.96% 31527 2.77%
16 1489 3.14% 1243 2.91% 870 2.54% 136 3.08% 146 6.17% 91598 8.06%
17 1442 3.04% 1349 3.16% 1012 2.95% 116 2.63% 105 4.44% 35793 3.15%
18 1200 2.53% 990 2.32% 750 2.19% 131 2.97% 139 5.87% 22923 2.02%
19 1112 2.35% 753 1.77% 813 2.37% 94 2.13% 111 4.69% 24001 2.11%
20 1439 3.04% 1275 2.99% 995 2.90% 113 2.56% 113 4.78% 27859 2.45%
21 1872 3.95% 1348 3.16% 1272 3.71% 119 2.70% 129 5.45% 45011 3.96%
22 1379 2.91% 982 2.30% 974 2.84% 76 1.72% 92 3.89% 29452 2.59%
23 1033 2.18% 918 2.15% 738 2.15% 125 2.83% 123 5.20% 39543 3.48%
24 961 2.03% 787 1.85% 562 1.64% 108 2.45% 96 4.06% 23406 2.06%
25 710 1.50% 561 1.32% 492 1.44% 180 4.08% 184 7.78% 16377 1.44%
26 934 1.97% 861 2.02% 613 1.79% 126 2.85% 122 5.16% 31569 2.78%
27 812 1.71% 758 1.78% 520 1.52% 283 6.41% 200 8.45% 22242 1.96%
28 1076 2.27% 1004 2.35% 722 2.11% 231 5.23% 189 7.99% 33862 2.98%
29 1841 3.88% 1626 3.81% 1435 4.19% 226 5.12% 177 7.48% 21734 1.91%
30 1453 3.07% 1390 3.26% 1081 3.15% 186 4.21% 151 6.38% 46945 4.13%
31 1998 4.22% 1937 4.54% 1798 5.25% 129 2.92% 135 5.71% 16596 1.46%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 53 1664 3.51% 44 1382 3.24% 44 1379 4.02% 1211 37546 3.30%
1 55 1735 3.66% 50 1563 3.67% 40 1261 3.68% 1712 53078 4.67%
2 50 1572 3.32% 47 1461 3.43% 42 1322 3.86% 1586 49153 4.33%
3 73 2268 4.79% 69 2142 5.02% 49 1528 4.46% 1944 60269 5.30%
4 92 2856 6.03% 88 2729 6.40% 65 2042 5.96% 1799 55761 4.91%
5 54 1678 3.54% 48 1513 3.55% 47 1459 4.26% 1275 39518 3.48%
6 48 1502 3.17% 44 1375 3.22% 41 1297 3.78% 1150 35645 3.14%
7 64 1986 4.19% 58 1824 4.28% 39 1228 3.58% 1552 48118 4.23%
8 71 2215 4.67% 66 2052 4.81% 33 1045 3.05% 3103 96207 8.47%
9 47 1466 3.09% 36 1139 2.67% 42 1303 3.80% 971 30090 2.65%
10 73 2280 4.81% 65 2034 4.77% 42 1310 3.82% 1472 45646 4.02%
11 71 2209 4.66% 62 1932 4.53% 47 1462 4.27% 1334 41341 3.64%
12 55 1727 3.64% 50 1568 3.68% 39 1210 3.53% 1137 35250 3.10%
13 56 1749 3.69% 50 1556 3.65% 47 1469 4.29% 1264 39180 3.45%
14 77 2404 5.07% 68 2110 4.95% 53 1655 4.83% 1280 39695 3.49%
15 68 2114 4.46% 58 1815 4.26% 48 1497 4.37% 1583 49075 4.32%
16 55 1720 3.63% 45 1422 3.33% 48 1499 4.37% 1028 31874 2.80%
17 51 1586 3.35% 44 1369 3.21% 41 1273 3.71% 1273 39466 3.47%
18 65 2042 4.31% 60 1883 4.42% 51 1585 4.63% 1177 36472 3.21%
19 75 2335 4.93% 70 2189 5.13% 52 1636 4.77% 1299 40256 3.54%
20 69 2140 4.52% 63 1968 4.62% 45 1423 4.15% 2200 68195 6.00%
21 62 1923 4.06% 55 1729 4.05% 45 1409 4.11% 1351 41877 3.68%
22 64 2003 4.23% 59 1829 4.29% 41 1291 3.77% 2394 74201 6.53%
23 71 2214 4.67% 66 2059 4.83% 54 1686 4.92% 1564 48497 4.27%

Top 30 of 326 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 19741 41.66% 31317 2.76% /
2 4074 8.60% 406304 35.75% /stats/usage_202404.html
3 2274 4.80% 615 0.05% /stats/
4 775 1.64% 77352 6.81% /stats/usage_202403.html
5 587 1.24% 55017 4.84% /stats/usage_202405.html
6 481 1.02% 6567 0.58% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
7 361 0.76% 1096 0.10% /assets/sd.css
8 326 0.69% 239 0.02% /images/pnavleft3.gif
9 322 0.68% 6230 0.55% /kontakt.php
10 317 0.67% 1837 0.16% /impressum.php
11 312 0.66% 1721 0.15% /assets/sc.css
12 289 0.61% 20158 1.77% /assets/jq.js
13 278 0.59% 1085 0.10% /images/logo-biomasseverband_sbp.jpg
14 265 0.56% 46 0.00% /assets/sf.css
15 257 0.54% 891 0.08% /assets/scal.css
16 254 0.54% 176 0.02% /assets/ssb.css
17 242 0.51% 4283 0.38% /aktuell/
18 235 0.50% 3860 0.34% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/
19 231 0.49% 4046 0.36% /archiv-2014/40-jahre-rauchfangkehrer.php
20 228 0.48% 2953 0.26% /fotos/
21 227 0.48% 864 0.08% /images/106-0693_img_sbp.jpg
22 227 0.48% 2590 0.23% /images/2024-kalender_sbp.jpg
23 226 0.48% 3137 0.28% /datenschutzerklaerung/
24 226 0.48% 158 0.01% /images/pnavbottom1.gif
25 225 0.47% 183 0.02% /images/pnavbottom3.gif
26 225 0.47% 286 0.03% /images/pnavleft11.gif
27 224 0.47% 345 0.03% /images/pnavleft9.gif
28 223 0.47% 1475 0.13% /images/2024-zertifikat-sachkundiger-oenorm-f-1053_sbp.jpg
29 223 0.47% 1199 0.11% /images/meisterbrief-andreas_sbp.jpg
30 223 0.47% 230 0.02% /images/pnavbottom2.gif

Top 10 of 326 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4074 8.60% 406304 35.75% /stats/usage_202404.html
2 128 0.27% 113932 10.03% /images/urkunde-emas.gif
3 775 1.64% 77352 6.81% /stats/usage_202403.html
4 587 1.24% 55017 4.84% /stats/usage_202405.html
5 174 0.37% 54795 4.82% /images/foto-----ehrung-bei-noe-landesinnungstagung-de.jpg
6 150 0.32% 51679 4.55% /images/2024-kalender.jpg
7 96 0.20% 37640 3.31% /images/meisterbrief-andreas.jpg
8 19741 41.66% 31317 2.76% /
9 289 0.61% 20158 1.77% /assets/jq.js
10 193 0.41% 19104 1.68% /stats/usage_202308.html

Top 10 of 112 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19741 41.66% 1336 31.20% /
2 775 1.64% 539 12.59% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 4074 8.60% 181 4.23% /stats/usage_202404.html
4 322 0.68% 112 2.62% /kontakt.php
5 481 1.02% 92 2.15% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
6 169 0.36% 87 2.03% /stats/usage_202106.html
7 2274 4.80% 70 1.63% /stats/
8 317 0.67% 61 1.42% /impressum.php
9 142 0.30% 54 1.26% /infos/
10 235 0.50% 51 1.19% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/

Top 10 of 113 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19741 41.66% 1184 27.71% /
2 775 1.64% 541 12.66% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 4074 8.60% 179 4.19% /stats/usage_202404.html
4 322 0.68% 145 3.39% /kontakt.php
5 481 1.02% 96 2.25% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
6 169 0.36% 87 2.04% /stats/usage_202106.html
7 2274 4.80% 73 1.71% /stats/
8 191 0.40% 72 1.68% /archiv-2014/informationspflicht.php
9 79 0.17% 62 1.45% /w2dcpimg.php
10 235 0.50% 60 1.40% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/

Top 30 of 378 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 14761 31.15% - (Direct Request)
2 1718 3.63%
3 1699 3.59%
4 1537 3.24%
5 1032 2.18%
6 845 1.78%
7 794 1.68%
8 787 1.66%
9 765 1.61%
10 750 1.58%
11 749 1.58%
12 703 1.48%
13 623 1.31%
14 590 1.25%
15 560 1.18%
16 559 1.18%
17 497 1.05% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/
18 384 0.81%
19 290 0.61%
20 285 0.60%
21 269 0.57%
22 260 0.55%
23 260 0.55%
24 250 0.53%
25 250 0.53%
26 230 0.49%
27 220 0.46%
28 220 0.46%
29 215 0.45%
30 215 0.45%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 887 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 12437 26.25% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
2 8724 18.41% Go-http-client/1.1
3 5862 12.37% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
4 853 1.80% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
5 584 1.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 528 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 469 0.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
8 434 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
9 378 0.80% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
10 371 0.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
11 364 0.77% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
12 363 0.77% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 351 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
14 350 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 349 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 53 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 20020 42.25% 20012 46.93% 166167 14.62% Ukraine
2 8903 18.79% 8829 20.70% 335359 29.51% China
3 8361 17.64% 5081 11.92% 173331 15.25% United States
4 3373 7.12% 3312 7.77% 293933 25.87% Russian Federation
5 2842 6.00% 2806 6.58% 30888 2.72% Austria
6 732 1.54% 381 0.89% 25276 2.22% Unresolved/Unknown
7 552 1.16% 478 1.12% 41284 3.63% France
8 515 1.09% 328 0.77% 7664 0.67% Canada
9 476 1.00% 471 1.10% 29261 2.57% South Africa
10 391 0.83% 270 0.63% 6020 0.53% Germany
11 279 0.59% 156 0.37% 6416 0.56% Great Britain (UK)
12 198 0.42% 117 0.27% 3775 0.33% Saudi Arabia
13 77 0.16% 64 0.15% 1234 0.11% Poland
14 68 0.14% 65 0.15% 1074 0.09% Italy
15 67 0.14% 5 0.01% 265 0.02% European Union
16 56 0.12% 56 0.13% 393 0.03% Turkey
17 53 0.11% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% Australia
18 52 0.11% 8 0.02% 612 0.05% New Zealand
19 36 0.08% 19 0.04% 296 0.03% Sweden
20 32 0.07% 22 0.05% 1982 0.17% Netherlands
21 32 0.07% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Sierra Leone
22 30 0.06% 30 0.07% 2496 0.22% Moldova
23 23 0.05% 2 0.00% 203 0.02% Norway
24 21 0.04% 14 0.03% 680 0.06% Romania
25 20 0.04% 8 0.02% 373 0.03% Greece
26 18 0.04% 8 0.02% 276 0.02% Bulgaria
27 16 0.03% 2 0.00% 44 0.00% Ireland
28 14 0.03% 8 0.02% 311 0.03% Czech Republic
29 12 0.03% 9 0.02% 183 0.02% Albania
30 12 0.03% 1 0.00% 24 0.00% Lebanon

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23