Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2024
Generated 01-Apr-2024 04:31 CEST

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[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2024
Total Hits 421124
Total Files 404196
Total Pages 413913
Total Visits 4433
Total KBytes 10376196
Total Unique Sites 2121
Total Unique URLs 833
Total Unique Referrers 293
Total Unique User Agents 1431
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 566 3169
Hits per Day 13584 23595
Files per Day 13038 23393
Pages per Day 13352 23423
Sites per Day 68 196
Visits per Day 143 252
KBytes per Day 334716 700086
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 95.98% 404196
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 95
Code 302 - Found 2.44% 10262
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 57
Code 404 - Not Found 1.55% 6514

Daily usage for March 2024

Daily Statistics for March 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 11276 2.68% 11190 2.77% 11105 2.68% 155 3.50% 101 4.76% 279936 2.70%
2 10254 2.43% 10207 2.53% 10143 2.45% 148 3.34% 91 4.29% 249303 2.40%
3 13260 3.15% 12784 3.16% 13115 3.17% 147 3.32% 96 4.53% 313460 3.02%
4 15713 3.73% 14864 3.68% 15400 3.72% 157 3.54% 107 5.04% 328206 3.16%
5 15973 3.79% 15291 3.78% 15516 3.75% 252 5.68% 194 9.15% 293710 2.83%
6 13115 3.11% 11790 2.92% 12944 3.13% 168 3.79% 144 6.79% 222836 2.15%
7 9459 2.25% 9324 2.31% 9140 2.21% 194 4.38% 140 6.60% 221522 2.13%
8 9167 2.18% 7955 1.97% 8945 2.16% 177 3.99% 150 7.07% 155196 1.50%
9 12769 3.03% 11474 2.84% 12394 2.99% 176 3.97% 153 7.21% 200548 1.93%
10 16001 3.80% 15261 3.78% 15848 3.83% 167 3.77% 109 5.14% 251055 2.42%
11 14695 3.49% 14417 3.57% 14429 3.49% 161 3.63% 144 6.79% 241189 2.32%
12 13770 3.27% 13661 3.38% 13435 3.25% 185 4.17% 148 6.98% 258508 2.49%
13 10648 2.53% 10551 2.61% 10394 2.51% 140 3.16% 156 7.36% 270679 2.61%
14 10957 2.60% 10847 2.68% 10711 2.59% 186 4.20% 151 7.12% 294142 2.83%
15 11618 2.76% 10269 2.54% 11403 2.75% 197 4.44% 196 9.24% 287409 2.77%
16 14731 3.50% 14672 3.63% 14614 3.53% 140 3.16% 125 5.89% 288572 2.78%
17 17071 4.05% 14351 3.55% 16955 4.10% 153 3.45% 113 5.33% 295231 2.85%
18 15176 3.60% 14572 3.61% 14811 3.58% 179 4.04% 143 6.74% 272875 2.63%
19 16199 3.85% 14528 3.59% 15677 3.79% 171 3.86% 114 5.37% 290693 2.80%
20 14518 3.45% 14442 3.57% 14320 3.46% 167 3.77% 126 5.94% 344637 3.32%
21 15937 3.78% 15801 3.91% 15682 3.79% 181 4.08% 137 6.46% 377472 3.64%
22 13769 3.27% 13701 3.39% 13512 3.26% 164 3.70% 143 6.74% 369645 3.56%
23 15908 3.78% 15484 3.83% 15834 3.83% 124 2.80% 112 5.28% 556813 5.37%
24 17845 4.24% 17757 4.39% 17591 4.25% 139 3.14% 134 6.32% 667638 6.43%
25 18054 4.29% 16542 4.09% 17832 4.31% 104 2.35% 86 4.05% 677428 6.53%
26 20691 4.91% 20456 5.06% 20406 4.93% 141 3.18% 122 5.75% 700086 6.75%
27 16936 4.02% 16836 4.17% 16858 4.07% 123 2.77% 99 4.67% 684707 6.60%
28 8143 1.93% 8036 1.99% 7907 1.91% 132 2.98% 129 6.08% 320574 3.09%
29 905 0.21% 840 0.21% 749 0.18% 113 2.55% 116 5.47% 32011 0.31%
30 2971 0.71% 2900 0.72% 2820 0.68% 76 1.71% 85 4.01% 60606 0.58%
31 23595 5.60% 23393 5.79% 23423 5.66% 121 2.73% 120 5.66% 569509 5.49%

Hourly usage for March 2024

Hourly Statistics for March 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 586 18194 4.32% 536 16620 4.11% 580 17994 4.35% 15167 470171 4.53%
1 561 17409 4.13% 557 17270 4.27% 553 17148 4.14% 15526 481294 4.64%
2 561 17405 4.13% 517 16029 3.97% 555 17230 4.16% 15234 472245 4.55%
3 267 8290 1.97% 266 8255 2.04% 265 8226 1.99% 7374 228609 2.20%
4 345 10721 2.55% 342 10629 2.63% 341 10600 2.56% 9678 300007 2.89%
5 571 17724 4.21% 552 17117 4.23% 562 17440 4.21% 14902 461951 4.45%
6 623 19314 4.59% 533 16549 4.09% 610 18917 4.57% 14491 449229 4.33%
7 575 17849 4.24% 543 16838 4.17% 563 17470 4.22% 14162 439029 4.23%
8 633 19649 4.67% 589 18280 4.52% 624 19351 4.68% 14417 446928 4.31%
9 613 19015 4.52% 607 18828 4.66% 598 18568 4.49% 14606 452772 4.36%
10 698 21657 5.14% 692 21480 5.31% 680 21102 5.10% 14389 446053 4.30%
11 625 19382 4.60% 620 19246 4.76% 608 18863 4.56% 13563 420448 4.05%
12 651 20182 4.79% 586 18191 4.50% 643 19963 4.82% 13341 413573 3.99%
13 611 18955 4.50% 608 18869 4.67% 595 18460 4.46% 13835 428874 4.13%
14 573 17789 4.22% 570 17678 4.37% 565 17533 4.24% 13727 425539 4.10%
15 529 16399 3.89% 524 16250 4.02% 521 16169 3.91% 13879 430261 4.15%
16 524 16259 3.86% 519 16100 3.98% 517 16040 3.88% 14015 434450 4.19%
17 542 16802 3.99% 513 15908 3.94% 533 16525 3.99% 13860 429674 4.14%
18 510 15838 3.76% 505 15665 3.88% 504 15642 3.78% 13786 427358 4.12%
19 603 18716 4.44% 556 17242 4.27% 588 18235 4.41% 13988 433640 4.18%
20 579 17969 4.27% 576 17864 4.42% 566 17575 4.25% 14093 436890 4.21%
21 575 17847 4.24% 571 17712 4.38% 567 17590 4.25% 14650 454141 4.38%
22 656 20339 4.83% 622 19288 4.77% 647 20057 4.85% 16445 509800 4.91%
23 561 17420 4.14% 525 16288 4.03% 555 17215 4.16% 15589 483260 4.66%

Top 30 of 833 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 233271 55.39% 5184357 49.96% /
2 108721 25.82% 1570 0.02% /stats/usage_202304.html
3 49230 11.69% 4557984 43.93% /stats/usage_202403.html
4 2545 0.60% 252688 2.44% /stats/usage_202402.html
5 394 0.09% 1229 0.01% /impressum.php
6 281 0.07% 28677 0.28% /stats/usage_202401.html
7 232 0.06% 4489 0.04% /kontakt.php
8 227 0.05% 15788 0.15% /assets/jq.js
9 169 0.04% 29 0.00% /assets/sf.css
10 158 0.04% 109 0.00% /assets/ssb.css
11 157 0.04% 544 0.01% /assets/scal.css
12 156 0.04% 474 0.00% /assets/sd.css
13 153 0.04% 844 0.01% /assets/sc.css
14 141 0.03% 13957 0.13% /stats/usage_202308.html
15 110 0.03% 1423 0.01% /jobs/
16 107 0.03% 1758 0.02% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/
17 100 0.02% 1770 0.02% /aktuell/
18 95 0.02% 1319 0.01% /datenschutzerklaerung/
19 95 0.02% 1297 0.01% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
20 91 0.02% 9264 0.09% /stats/usage_202312.html
21 86 0.02% 1223 0.01% /infos/
22 85 0.02% 1101 0.01% /fotos/
23 81 0.02% 1081 0.01% /feuerloescher---zertifikat/
24 78 0.02% 989 0.01% /links/
25 77 0.02% 1106 0.01% /archiv-2014/informationspflicht.php
26 76 0.02% 1854 0.02% /images/s2dlogo.jpg
27 73 0.02% 1057 0.01% /unser-service/
28 72 0.02% 971 0.01% /archiv-2014/information.php
29 72 0.02% 1093 0.01% /disclaimer.php
30 72 0.02% 62 0.00% /images/favicon.ico

Top 10 of 833 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 233271 55.39% 5184357 49.96% /
2 49230 11.69% 4557984 43.93% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 2545 0.60% 252688 2.44% /stats/usage_202402.html
4 31 0.01% 34645 0.33% /downloads/presseinfo-biowaerme.pdf
5 281 0.07% 28677 0.28% /stats/usage_202401.html
6 37 0.01% 28031 0.27% /images/urkunde-emas.gif
7 8 0.00% 23082 0.22% /downloads/kalender2021.pdf
8 13 0.00% 22815 0.22% /downloads/kalender2022.pdf
9 27 0.01% 17769 0.17% /downloads/biomasseverband-festakt.pdf
10 227 0.05% 15788 0.15% /assets/jq.js

Top 10 of 110 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 233271 55.39% 1644 39.26% /
2 49230 11.69% 675 16.12% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 108721 25.82% 308 7.35% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 232 0.06% 100 2.39% /kontakt.php
5 2545 0.60% 71 1.70% /stats/usage_202402.html
6 95 0.02% 65 1.55% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
7 107 0.03% 55 1.31% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/
8 394 0.09% 54 1.29% /impressum.php
9 110 0.03% 51 1.22% /jobs/
10 91 0.02% 49 1.17% /stats/usage_202312.html

Top 10 of 112 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 233271 55.39% 1534 36.80% /
2 49230 11.69% 677 16.24% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 108721 25.82% 307 7.37% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 232 0.06% 110 2.64% /kontakt.php
5 281 0.07% 63 1.51% /stats/usage_202401.html
6 95 0.02% 61 1.46% /unser-service/flohmarkt/gebrauchter-kaminofen.php
7 110 0.03% 54 1.30% /jobs/
8 107 0.03% 53 1.27% /biowaerme-rauchfangkehrer/
9 2545 0.60% 53 1.27% /stats/usage_202402.html
10 91 0.02% 51 1.22% /stats/usage_202312.html

Top 30 of 293 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 46163 10.96%
2 46143 10.96%
3 46089 10.94%
4 46059 10.94%
5 46004 10.92%
6 22424 5.32% - (Direct Request)
7 9555 2.27%
8 9495 2.25%
9 9300 2.21%
10 9285 2.20%
11 9285 2.20%
12 9270 2.20%
13 9030 2.14%
14 8565 2.03%
15 8310 1.97%
16 7575 1.80%
17 6900 1.64%
18 6120 1.45%
19 6015 1.43%
20 4461 1.06%
21 3858 0.92%
22 3767 0.89%
23 3762 0.89%
24 3744 0.89%
25 3717 0.88%
26 3345 0.79%
27 2222 0.53%
28 1962 0.47%
29 1905 0.45%
30 1625 0.39% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 100.00%

Top 15 of 1431 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 109134 25.91% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 3978 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 3957 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
4 3951 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
5 3941 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 3883 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 2015 0.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0
8 1276 0.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 1234 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
10 1219 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
11 1216 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
12 915 0.22% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
13 852 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 851 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 839 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/117.0.5938.132 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for March 2024

Top 30 of 50 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 223837 53.15% 223702 55.34% 6752216 65.07% Russian Federation
2 116515 27.67% 115527 28.58% 187121 1.80% Germany
3 24934 5.92% 18692 4.62% 507246 4.89% United States
4 20081 4.77% 20035 4.96% 1917277 18.48% Ukraine
5 14327 3.40% 12856 3.18% 483639 4.66% Unresolved/Unknown
6 5428 1.29% 97 0.02% 4005 0.04% Great Britain (UK)
7 4847 1.15% 4806 1.19% 106873 1.03% European Union
8 3947 0.94% 3825 0.95% 341117 3.29% Belgium
9 2835 0.67% 2794 0.69% 23569 0.23% Austria
10 1436 0.34% 11 0.00% 561 0.01% Netherlands
11 756 0.18% 680 0.17% 15216 0.15% Saudi Arabia
12 567 0.13% 365 0.09% 6391 0.06% Canada
13 372 0.09% 44 0.01% 3071 0.03% Romania
14 293 0.07% 239 0.06% 15259 0.15% China
15 217 0.05% 14 0.00% 448 0.00% Bulgaria
16 130 0.03% 85 0.02% 1123 0.01% Sweden
17 79 0.02% 67 0.02% 410 0.00% New Zealand
18 75 0.02% 74 0.02% 1007 0.01% Nigeria
19 59 0.01% 59 0.01% 443 0.00% Turkey
20 53 0.01% 47 0.01% 1179 0.01% France
21 51 0.01% 3 0.00% 67 0.00% Australia
22 50 0.01% 37 0.01% 516 0.00% India
23 36 0.01% 33 0.01% 1770 0.02% Italy
24 31 0.01% 14 0.00% 646 0.01% Indonesia
25 24 0.01% 11 0.00% 1046 0.01% Switzerland
26 23 0.01% 21 0.01% 448 0.00% Seychelles
27 19 0.00% 12 0.00% 590 0.01% Czech Republic
28 16 0.00% 2 0.00% 200 0.00% Norway
29 12 0.00% 2 0.00% 46 0.00% Greece
30 12 0.00% 4 0.00% 244 0.00% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23