Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2023
Generated 01-May-2023 03:25 CEST

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[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2023
Total Hits 72314
Total Files 68623
Total Pages 61208
Total Visits 9512
Total KBytes 1816893
Total Unique Sites 2126
Total Unique URLs 364
Total Unique Referrers 5919
Total Unique User Agents 4526
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 100 417
Hits per Day 2410 3488
Files per Day 2287 3328
Pages per Day 2040 3165
Sites per Day 70 292
Visits per Day 317 430
KBytes per Day 60563 133854
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 94.90% 68623
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.05% 37
Code 302 - Found 1.45% 1046
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.03% 744
Code 404 - Not Found 2.58% 1864

Daily usage for April 2023

Daily Statistics for April 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2548 3.52% 2447 3.57% 2218 3.62% 424 4.46% 233 10.96% 62850 3.46%
2 2869 3.97% 2709 3.95% 2564 4.19% 382 4.02% 280 13.17% 83596 4.60%
3 2473 3.42% 2370 3.45% 2073 3.39% 316 3.32% 204 9.60% 61420 3.38%
4 2865 3.96% 2721 3.97% 2262 3.70% 380 3.99% 251 11.81% 62054 3.42%
5 2503 3.46% 2345 3.42% 2173 3.55% 370 3.89% 249 11.71% 65581 3.61%
6 2503 3.46% 2425 3.53% 1797 2.94% 370 3.89% 292 13.73% 60068 3.31%
7 2159 2.99% 2099 3.06% 1843 3.01% 367 3.86% 198 9.31% 55077 3.03%
8 2267 3.13% 2059 3.00% 2017 3.30% 372 3.91% 237 11.15% 59817 3.29%
9 2382 3.29% 2292 3.34% 2080 3.40% 357 3.75% 234 11.01% 63007 3.47%
10 2427 3.36% 2320 3.38% 2153 3.52% 366 3.85% 258 12.14% 55895 3.08%
11 2283 3.16% 2150 3.13% 1913 3.13% 338 3.55% 231 10.87% 59730 3.29%
12 2146 2.97% 2006 2.92% 1599 2.61% 367 3.86% 252 11.85% 58463 3.22%
13 2230 3.08% 2082 3.03% 1503 2.46% 345 3.63% 281 13.22% 66625 3.67%
14 1657 2.29% 1516 2.21% 1360 2.22% 325 3.42% 219 10.30% 64623 3.56%
15 2236 3.09% 2117 3.08% 1795 2.93% 430 4.52% 271 12.75% 58099 3.20%
16 1851 2.56% 1725 2.51% 1611 2.63% 387 4.07% 183 8.61% 53426 2.94%
17 1898 2.62% 1710 2.49% 1565 2.56% 358 3.76% 157 7.38% 66801 3.68%
18 2154 2.98% 2018 2.94% 1671 2.73% 384 4.04% 253 11.90% 61098 3.36%
19 2291 3.17% 2172 3.17% 1998 3.26% 327 3.44% 191 8.98% 57818 3.18%
20 3149 4.35% 2915 4.25% 2574 4.21% 319 3.35% 280 13.17% 67383 3.71%
21 2966 4.10% 2872 4.19% 2622 4.28% 243 2.55% 264 12.42% 66217 3.64%
22 2651 3.67% 2595 3.78% 2418 3.95% 251 2.64% 239 11.24% 56378 3.10%
23 2358 3.26% 2297 3.35% 2105 3.44% 233 2.45% 230 10.82% 43332 2.38%
24 1970 2.72% 1871 2.73% 1667 2.72% 219 2.30% 198 9.31% 34289 1.89%
25 1749 2.42% 1600 2.33% 1279 2.09% 256 2.69% 244 11.48% 25117 1.38%
26 2573 3.56% 2477 3.61% 2337 3.82% 242 2.54% 206 9.69% 34457 1.90%
27 2355 3.26% 2233 3.25% 1954 3.19% 230 2.42% 206 9.69% 29860 1.64%
28 3388 4.69% 3328 4.85% 3151 5.15% 284 2.99% 241 11.34% 133854 7.37%
29 3488 4.82% 3304 4.81% 3165 5.17% 228 2.40% 260 12.23% 132057 7.27%
30 1925 2.66% 1848 2.69% 1741 2.84% 262 2.75% 200 9.41% 17900 0.99%

Hourly usage for April 2023

Hourly Statistics for April 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 107 3236 4.47% 101 3051 4.45% 89 2690 4.39% 2725 81759 4.50%
1 98 2942 4.07% 95 2873 4.19% 85 2577 4.21% 2390 71709 3.95%
2 100 3009 4.16% 96 2899 4.22% 92 2788 4.55% 2669 80058 4.41%
3 93 2802 3.87% 89 2671 3.89% 83 2502 4.09% 2324 69723 3.84%
4 90 2721 3.76% 84 2548 3.71% 80 2407 3.93% 2273 68199 3.75%
5 89 2692 3.72% 85 2564 3.74% 82 2486 4.06% 2086 62591 3.44%
6 87 2619 3.62% 83 2513 3.66% 80 2400 3.92% 2203 66086 3.64%
7 92 2779 3.84% 85 2574 3.75% 81 2448 4.00% 2354 70612 3.89%
8 112 3361 4.65% 105 3158 4.60% 85 2569 4.20% 2362 70845 3.90%
9 109 3273 4.53% 103 3108 4.53% 86 2582 4.22% 2353 70596 3.89%
10 106 3181 4.40% 99 2995 4.36% 83 2503 4.09% 2525 75756 4.17%
11 94 2834 3.92% 87 2615 3.81% 84 2530 4.13% 2309 69257 3.81%
12 101 3031 4.19% 90 2716 3.96% 88 2658 4.34% 2518 75534 4.16%
13 100 3008 4.16% 94 2844 4.14% 86 2580 4.22% 2754 82618 4.55%
14 99 2987 4.13% 95 2878 4.19% 82 2475 4.04% 2471 74130 4.08%
15 115 3451 4.77% 109 3282 4.78% 87 2615 4.27% 3085 92563 5.09%
16 94 2831 3.91% 91 2730 3.98% 82 2485 4.06% 2748 82437 4.54%
17 98 2961 4.09% 92 2779 4.05% 87 2616 4.27% 2624 78718 4.33%
18 95 2877 3.98% 91 2730 3.98% 87 2616 4.27% 2738 82140 4.52%
19 100 3000 4.15% 96 2883 4.20% 82 2468 4.03% 2511 75329 4.15%
20 108 3252 4.50% 102 3073 4.48% 88 2657 4.34% 2818 84527 4.65%
21 112 3369 4.66% 108 3259 4.75% 84 2528 4.13% 2839 85159 4.69%
22 103 3114 4.31% 99 2997 4.37% 83 2518 4.11% 2560 76812 4.23%
23 99 2984 4.13% 96 2883 4.20% 83 2510 4.10% 2324 69735 3.84%

Top 30 of 364 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 40137 55.50% 399079 21.96% /stats/
2 9229 12.76% 551681 30.36% /stats/usage_202304.html
3 5634 7.79% 507608 27.94% /stats/usage_202103.html
4 971 1.34% 20304 1.12% /
5 625 0.86% 62549 3.44% /stats/usage_202210.html
6 277 0.38% 47 0.00% /assets/sf.css
7 276 0.38% 829 0.05% /assets/sd.css
8 257 0.36% 17480 0.96% /assets/jq.js
9 233 0.32% 1263 0.07% /assets/sc.css
10 230 0.32% 776 0.04% /assets/scal.css
11 229 0.32% 155 0.01% /assets/ssb.css
12 204 0.28% 968 0.05% /impressum.php
13 163 0.23% 16089 0.89% /stats/usage_202303.html
14 156 0.22% 153 0.01% /images/pnavbottom2.gif
15 155 0.21% 139 0.01% /images/pnavleft2.gif
16 154 0.21% 796 0.04% /images/meisterbrief-andreas_sbp.jpg
17 154 0.21% 3611 0.20% /images/s2dlogo.jpg
18 153 0.21% 103 0.01% /images/pnavbottom1.gif
19 153 0.21% 104 0.01% /images/pnavbottom5.gif
20 153 0.21% 91 0.01% /images/pnavleft1.gif
21 152 0.21% 570 0.03% /images/logo-biomasseverband_sbp.jpg
22 152 0.21% 2943 0.16% /kontakt.php
23 151 0.21% 560 0.03% /images/106-0693_img_sbp.jpg
24 151 0.21% 959 0.05% /images/2024-zertifikat-sachkundiger-oenorm-f-1053_sbp.jpg
25 151 0.21% 1603 0.09% /images/kalender-rester2023_sbp.jpg
26 151 0.21% 199 0.01% /images/pnavbottom11.gif
27 151 0.21% 106 0.01% /images/pnavbottom6.gif
28 151 0.21% 2095 0.12% /images/urkunde-emas_sbp.gif
29 150 0.21% 2681 0.15% /images/feuerloescher_nav.jpg
30 150 0.21% 203 0.01% /images/pnavbottom10.gif

Top 10 of 364 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 9229 12.76% 551681 30.36% /stats/usage_202304.html
2 5634 7.79% 507608 27.94% /stats/usage_202103.html
3 40137 55.50% 399079 21.96% /stats/
4 625 0.86% 62549 3.44% /stats/usage_202210.html
5 54 0.07% 40188 2.21% /downloads/presseinfo-biowaerme.pdf
6 51 0.07% 23692 1.30% /downloads/biomasseverband-festakt.pdf
7 971 1.34% 20304 1.12% /
8 257 0.36% 17480 0.96% /assets/jq.js
9 163 0.23% 16089 0.89% /stats/usage_202303.html
10 51 0.07% 9688 0.53% /downloads/informationspflicht-fa.-rester.pdf

Top 10 of 92 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 40137 55.50% 6242 66.75% /stats/
2 9229 12.76% 1001 10.70% /stats/usage_202304.html
3 971 1.34% 846 9.05% /
4 625 0.86% 186 1.99% /stats/usage_202210.html
5 152 0.21% 63 0.67% /kontakt.php
6 163 0.23% 51 0.55% /stats/usage_202303.html
7 80 0.11% 43 0.46% /unser-service/
8 99 0.14% 36 0.38% /aktuell/
9 92 0.13% 36 0.38% /datenschutzerklaerung/
10 56 0.08% 35 0.37% /software-der-homepage.php

Top 10 of 93 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 40137 55.50% 6239 66.74% /stats/
2 9229 12.76% 1001 10.71% /stats/usage_202304.html
3 971 1.34% 748 8.00% /
4 625 0.86% 188 2.01% /stats/usage_202210.html
5 152 0.21% 58 0.62% /kontakt.php
6 163 0.23% 50 0.53% /stats/usage_202303.html
7 80 0.11% 43 0.46% /unser-service/
8 71 0.10% 41 0.44% /w2dcpimg.php
9 99 0.14% 37 0.40% /aktuell/
10 59 0.08% 37 0.40% /fotos/rauchfangkehrernachwuchs/

Top 30 of 5919 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 13778 19.05%
2 10913 15.09% - (Direct Request)
3 9217 12.75%
4 7410 10.25%
5 1932 2.67%
6 1911 2.64%
7 1815 2.51%
8 1581 2.19%
9 1350 1.87%
10 1292 1.79%
11 1092 1.51%
12 717 0.99%
13 587 0.81%
14 568 0.79%
15 442 0.61%
16 354 0.49%
17 314 0.43%
18 312 0.43%
19 312 0.43%
20 310 0.43%
21 310 0.43%
22 306 0.42% https://www.xn--62-mlcmn2b1b3b.xn--p1ai/
23 299 0.41%
24 293 0.41%
25 291 0.40%
26 289 0.40%
27 286 0.40%
28 280 0.39%
29 277 0.38%
30 276 0.38%

Top 15 of 4526 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4199 5.81% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 3196 4.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 3174 4.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
4 3172 4.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
5 3135 4.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
6 3067 4.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
7 1647 2.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 1645 2.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5042.0 Safari/537.36
9 1635 2.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OpenWave/97.4
10 1614 2.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 1610 2.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
12 1606 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
13 1601 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.134 Safari/537.36
14 1586 2.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
15 1577 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for April 2023

Top 30 of 57 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 21603 29.87% 21396 31.18% 1034019 56.91% Russian Federation
2 12636 17.47% 12464 18.16% 160652 8.84% China
3 12607 17.43% 10581 15.42% 186951 10.29% United States
4 6723 9.30% 6721 9.79% 93734 5.16% Turkey
5 4275 5.91% 4270 6.22% 66097 3.64% Saudi Arabia
6 4145 5.73% 4019 5.86% 35481 1.95% Germany
7 2526 3.49% 2230 3.25% 27438 1.51% Austria
8 2372 3.28% 2370 3.45% 29414 1.62% Malaysia
9 1213 1.68% 898 1.31% 29867 1.64% Unresolved/Unknown
10 852 1.18% 656 0.96% 26531 1.46% Great Britain (UK)
11 740 1.02% 740 1.08% 69880 3.85% Kazakhstan
12 699 0.97% 656 0.96% 8047 0.44% France
13 261 0.36% 217 0.32% 11031 0.61% Canada
14 252 0.35% 222 0.32% 2112 0.12% Netherlands
15 209 0.29% 207 0.30% 2999 0.17% Viet Nam
16 183 0.25% 171 0.25% 9518 0.52% Ukraine
17 121 0.17% 66 0.10% 2071 0.11% European Union
18 104 0.14% 104 0.15% 1987 0.11% Tanzania
19 89 0.12% 66 0.10% 598 0.03% Japan
20 89 0.12% 55 0.08% 1076 0.06% Sweden
21 77 0.11% 34 0.05% 2827 0.16% Australia
22 62 0.09% 62 0.09% 455 0.03% South Africa
23 60 0.08% 60 0.09% 427 0.02% Philippines
24 47 0.06% 47 0.07% 4127 0.23% Portugal
25 41 0.06% 21 0.03% 496 0.03% Romania
26 38 0.05% 24 0.03% 619 0.03% Czech Republic
27 35 0.05% 34 0.05% 946 0.05% India
28 29 0.04% 25 0.04% 2110 0.12% Bulgaria
29 26 0.04% 26 0.04% 339 0.02% Colombia
30 25 0.03% 25 0.04% 330 0.02% Kyrgyzstan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23