Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2022
Generated 01-Nov-2022 03:40 CET

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[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2022
Total Hits 70755
Total Files 64454
Total Pages 59846
Total Visits 11906
Total KBytes 1411718
Total Unique Sites 2181
Total Unique URLs 308
Total Unique Referrers 208
Total Unique User Agents 451
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 95 1345
Hits per Day 2282 3758
Files per Day 2079 3600
Pages per Day 1930 2909
Sites per Day 70 325
Visits per Day 384 587
KBytes per Day 45539 186614
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 91.09% 64454
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 2
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 22
Code 302 - Found 2.26% 1601
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.05% 741
Code 404 - Not Found 5.56% 3934
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1

Daily usage for October 2022

Daily Statistics for October 2022
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 851 1.20% 752 1.17% 651 1.09% 380 3.19% 319 14.63% 15714 1.11%
2 1074 1.52% 565 0.88% 791 1.32% 305 2.56% 325 14.90% 11436 0.81%
3 860 1.22% 651 1.01% 602 1.01% 377 3.17% 276 12.65% 6550 0.46%
4 2249 3.18% 2068 3.21% 1718 2.87% 386 3.24% 212 9.72% 25235 1.79%
5 1375 1.94% 1220 1.89% 1032 1.72% 442 3.71% 175 8.02% 18013 1.28%
6 2308 3.26% 2132 3.31% 1938 3.24% 518 4.35% 152 6.97% 28513 2.02%
7 2103 2.97% 1882 2.92% 1723 2.88% 587 4.93% 323 14.81% 26193 1.86%
8 1481 2.09% 1139 1.77% 1173 1.96% 247 2.07% 134 6.14% 19582 1.39%
9 2140 3.02% 2034 3.16% 1744 2.91% 367 3.08% 284 13.02% 24933 1.77%
10 3102 4.38% 2726 4.23% 2478 4.14% 330 2.77% 108 4.95% 29904 2.12%
11 2556 3.61% 2461 3.82% 2430 4.06% 382 3.21% 173 7.93% 33239 2.35%
12 2557 3.61% 2375 3.68% 2321 3.88% 334 2.81% 168 7.70% 29719 2.11%
13 2650 3.75% 2426 3.76% 2404 4.02% 350 2.94% 205 9.40% 25650 1.82%
14 3758 5.31% 3600 5.59% 2358 3.94% 368 3.09% 111 5.09% 34428 2.44%
15 2503 3.54% 2359 3.66% 2150 3.59% 423 3.55% 247 11.33% 28901 2.05%
16 2584 3.65% 2307 3.58% 2152 3.60% 387 3.25% 101 4.63% 30172 2.14%
17 2647 3.74% 2313 3.59% 2280 3.81% 375 3.15% 100 4.59% 25136 1.78%
18 2689 3.80% 2543 3.95% 2451 4.10% 409 3.44% 133 6.10% 31386 2.22%
19 2951 4.17% 2789 4.33% 2522 4.21% 433 3.64% 177 8.12% 34364 2.43%
20 2130 3.01% 2056 3.19% 2032 3.40% 258 2.17% 96 4.40% 22919 1.62%
21 2481 3.51% 2326 3.61% 2215 3.70% 283 2.38% 170 7.79% 30498 2.16%
22 2139 3.02% 1963 3.05% 1922 3.21% 401 3.37% 187 8.57% 26292 1.86%
23 2139 3.02% 1889 2.93% 1793 3.00% 390 3.28% 227 10.41% 24329 1.72%
24 2137 3.02% 1617 2.51% 1625 2.72% 387 3.25% 144 6.60% 16945 1.20%
25 1560 2.20% 1346 2.09% 1273 2.13% 391 3.28% 178 8.16% 19756 1.40%
26 1629 2.30% 1445 2.24% 1466 2.45% 412 3.46% 104 4.77% 26289 1.86%
27 2387 3.37% 2288 3.55% 2199 3.67% 461 3.87% 236 10.82% 117143 8.30%
28 2473 3.50% 2392 3.71% 2284 3.82% 419 3.52% 184 8.44% 129225 9.15%
29 2908 4.11% 2823 4.38% 2656 4.44% 358 3.01% 103 4.72% 177598 12.58%
30 3220 4.55% 3003 4.66% 2909 4.86% 499 4.19% 259 11.88% 186614 13.22%
31 3114 4.40% 2964 4.60% 2554 4.27% 462 3.88% 237 10.87% 155040 10.98%

Hourly usage for October 2022

Hourly Statistics for October 2022
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 103 3217 4.55% 87 2704 4.20% 97 3033 5.07% 1839 57020 4.04%
1 88 2755 3.89% 79 2465 3.82% 81 2537 4.24% 1765 54723 3.88%
2 95 2950 4.17% 90 2794 4.33% 85 2656 4.44% 2143 66429 4.71%
3 103 3205 4.53% 91 2838 4.40% 90 2813 4.70% 2547 78947 5.59%
4 94 2939 4.15% 84 2610 4.05% 83 2599 4.34% 1878 58205 4.12%
5 88 2751 3.89% 79 2460 3.82% 82 2570 4.29% 1668 51710 3.66%
6 87 2727 3.85% 81 2533 3.93% 81 2520 4.21% 2003 62107 4.40%
7 94 2929 4.14% 83 2578 4.00% 75 2337 3.91% 1635 50675 3.59%
8 86 2695 3.81% 80 2499 3.88% 75 2344 3.92% 1972 61139 4.33%
9 91 2843 4.02% 83 2576 4.00% 75 2329 3.89% 1587 49199 3.49%
10 96 2982 4.21% 89 2760 4.28% 71 2229 3.72% 2011 62355 4.42%
11 85 2656 3.75% 79 2456 3.81% 71 2214 3.70% 1587 49202 3.49%
12 126 3927 5.55% 117 3647 5.66% 79 2451 4.10% 1755 54412 3.85%
13 97 3030 4.28% 91 2834 4.40% 76 2363 3.95% 2052 63611 4.51%
14 117 3630 5.13% 108 3369 5.23% 77 2390 3.99% 2008 62257 4.41%
15 85 2652 3.75% 78 2434 3.78% 73 2270 3.79% 1610 49907 3.54%
16 82 2549 3.60% 72 2254 3.50% 72 2256 3.77% 1742 53995 3.82%
17 91 2823 3.99% 82 2568 3.98% 75 2338 3.91% 1778 55110 3.90%
18 86 2677 3.78% 78 2433 3.77% 77 2404 4.02% 2165 67109 4.75%
19 95 2974 4.20% 89 2782 4.32% 80 2480 4.14% 1878 58227 4.12%
20 111 3466 4.90% 96 2997 4.65% 95 2954 4.94% 1994 61825 4.38%
21 87 2697 3.81% 82 2563 3.98% 81 2538 4.24% 1736 53814 3.81%
22 91 2826 3.99% 84 2616 4.06% 84 2617 4.37% 2003 62102 4.40%
23 92 2855 4.04% 86 2684 4.16% 84 2604 4.35% 2182 67639 4.79%

Top 30 of 308 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 45796 64.72% 456636 32.35% /stats/
2 6816 9.63% 672182 47.61% /stats/usage_202210.html
3 1204 1.70% 22926 1.62% /
4 354 0.50% 6655 0.47% /kontakt.php
5 176 0.25% 510 0.04% /assets/sd.css
6 176 0.25% 226 0.02% /images/pnavbottom11.gif
7 175 0.25% 117 0.01% /images/pnavbottom1.gif
8 175 0.25% 101 0.01% /images/pnavleft4.gif
9 175 0.25% 237 0.02% /images/pnavleft8.gif
10 174 0.25% 134 0.01% /images/pnavbottom3.gif
11 174 0.25% 266 0.02% /images/pnavbottom9.gif
12 174 0.25% 212 0.02% /images/pnavleft10.gif
13 174 0.25% 153 0.01% /images/pnavleft2.gif
14 173 0.24% 169 0.01% /images/pnavbottom2.gif
15 173 0.24% 114 0.01% /images/pnavbottom5.gif
16 173 0.24% 250 0.02% /images/pnavbottom8.gif
17 173 0.24% 100 0.01% /images/pnavleft5.gif
18 173 0.24% 106 0.01% /images/pnavleft6.gif
19 173 0.24% 250 0.02% /images/ptitle.gif
20 172 0.24% 223 0.02% /images/pnavbottom10.gif
21 172 0.24% 115 0.01% /images/pnavbottom6.gif
22 172 0.24% 101 0.01% /images/pnavleft1.gif
23 172 0.24% 203 0.01% /images/pnavleft11.gif
24 172 0.24% 119 0.01% /images/pnavleft3.gif
25 172 0.24% 246 0.02% /images/pnavleft9.gif
26 171 0.24% 862 0.06% /impressum.php
27 169 0.24% 28 0.00% /assets/sf.css
28 167 0.24% 877 0.06% /assets/sc.css
29 164 0.23% 10643 0.75% /assets/jq.js
30 160 0.23% 520 0.04% /assets/scal.css

Top 10 of 308 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6816 9.63% 672182 47.61% /stats/usage_202210.html
2 45796 64.72% 456636 32.35% /stats/
3 53 0.07% 50896 3.61% /downloads/kalender2022.pdf
4 47 0.07% 34645 2.45% /downloads/presseinfo-biowaerme.pdf
5 1204 1.70% 22926 1.62% /
6 49 0.07% 22846 1.62% /downloads/biomasseverband-festakt.pdf
7 164 0.23% 10643 0.75% /assets/jq.js
8 49 0.07% 9688 0.69% /downloads/informationspflicht-fa.-rester.pdf
9 354 0.50% 6655 0.47% /kontakt.php
10 78 0.11% 5782 0.41% /stats/usage_202106.html

Top 10 of 86 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 45796 64.72% 9597 82.02% /stats/
2 1204 1.70% 804 6.87% /
3 354 0.50% 141 1.21% /kontakt.php
4 78 0.11% 61 0.52% /stats/usage_202106.html
5 102 0.14% 44 0.38% /datenschutzerklaerung/
6 109 0.15% 39 0.33% /jobs/
7 93 0.13% 36 0.31% /aktuell/
8 66 0.09% 34 0.29% /oeffentlich-zugelassener-rauchfangkehrer/
9 89 0.13% 32 0.27% /feuerloescher---zertifikat/
10 171 0.24% 32 0.27% /impressum.php

Top 10 of 86 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 45796 64.72% 9582 82.19% /stats/
2 1204 1.70% 691 5.93% /
3 354 0.50% 148 1.27% /kontakt.php
4 78 0.11% 62 0.53% /stats/usage_202106.html
5 102 0.14% 43 0.37% /datenschutzerklaerung/
6 63 0.09% 43 0.37% /fotos/ausbrennen-von-faengen/
7 109 0.15% 40 0.34% /jobs/
8 66 0.09% 36 0.31% /oeffentlich-zugelassener-rauchfangkehrer/
9 93 0.13% 35 0.30% /aktuell/
10 171 0.24% 35 0.30% /impressum.php

Top 30 of 208 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12769 18.05%
2 11151 15.76% - (Direct Request)
3 6288 8.89%
4 5088 7.19%
5 4621 6.53%
6 3435 4.85%
7 2556 3.61%
8 2460 3.48%
9 2375 3.36%
10 1999 2.83%
11 1572 2.22%
12 1410 1.99%
13 1278 1.81%
14 1260 1.78%
15 1250 1.77%
16 1199 1.69%
17 885 1.25%
18 885 1.25%
19 838 1.18%
20 820 1.16%
21 350 0.49%
22 180 0.25%
23 148 0.21%
24 72 0.10%
25 68 0.10%
26 59 0.08%
27 45 0.06%
28 45 0.06%
29 39 0.06%
30 33 0.05%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 50.00%
2 1 25.00%
3 1 25.00% xxxhdvido

Top 15 of 451 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2813 3.98% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.8
2 2790 3.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.81
3 2727 3.85% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.8
4 2027 2.86% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 1769 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36
6 1486 2.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36
7 1477 2.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36
8 1435 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36
9 1435 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36
10 1426 2.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36
11 1421 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36
12 1418 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36
13 1414 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.81
14 1405 1.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4400.8 Safari/537.36
15 1402 1.98% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for October 2022

Top 30 of 79 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 23115 32.67% 22886 35.51% 941314 66.68% Russian Federation
2 20043 28.33% 19880 30.84% 200253 14.19% China
3 12807 18.10% 8734 13.55% 119206 8.44% United States
4 3698 5.23% 3158 4.90% 30503 2.16% Austria
5 2898 4.10% 2898 4.50% 28995 2.05% Hong Kong
6 1782 2.52% 1606 2.49% 14473 1.03% Germany
7 1288 1.82% 914 1.42% 15661 1.11% Unresolved/Unknown
8 820 1.16% 820 1.27% 8205 0.58% Tanzania
9 685 0.97% 681 1.06% 6814 0.48% Australia
10 482 0.68% 445 0.69% 7753 0.55% Canada
11 417 0.59% 169 0.26% 8821 0.62% Great Britain (UK)
12 373 0.53% 368 0.57% 3710 0.26% Poland
13 272 0.38% 262 0.41% 3857 0.27% Ukraine
14 218 0.31% 124 0.19% 1241 0.09% Nepal
15 164 0.23% 164 0.25% 1640 0.12% Singapore
16 160 0.23% 122 0.19% 1507 0.11% France
17 120 0.17% 119 0.18% 971 0.07% India
18 119 0.17% 47 0.07% 661 0.05% European Union
19 104 0.15% 104 0.16% 1041 0.07% Rwanda
20 90 0.13% 90 0.14% 900 0.06% Colombia
21 82 0.12% 22 0.03% 3097 0.22% Greece
22 74 0.10% 69 0.11% 768 0.05% Indonesia
23 69 0.10% 69 0.11% 690 0.05% Bulgaria
24 55 0.08% 55 0.09% 550 0.04% Brazil
25 55 0.08% 48 0.07% 347 0.02% Netherlands
26 47 0.07% 19 0.03% 233 0.02% Sweden
27 46 0.07% 46 0.07% 471 0.03% South Africa
28 41 0.06% 24 0.04% 240 0.02% Thailand
29 40 0.06% 40 0.06% 400 0.03% Tajikistan
30 36 0.05% 29 0.04% 378 0.03% Viet Nam

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23